For further information related to Cyprus events, contact the Coordinator:
Prof. C. Alexandrou
Useful links:
The week of 17 January: has been declared a week of physics. In collaboration with the ministry of Education, the Department of Physics is organizing visits of high school students from all over Cyprus.
Talks with Nobel Laureates in Physics
18 March 2005: Talks by Prominent Physicists from Abroad
Prof. Costas Papanicolas, University of Athens (18th March)
Prof. Paris Sphicas, University of Athens, MIT and CERN (date to be announced).
Prof. Costas Kounnas, Ecole Normale Superieure (date to be announced)
6 April 2005: Women in Physics:
Prof. Gebbie Katharine, Director of the NIST
Prof. Michele Leduc, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
Cinema Festival.